“Love and tolerance of others is our code.” Big Book of AA, 4th edition, page 84.

Bill Wilson, AA’s co-founder was of the opinion that everyone could use a 12 Step recovery program. Personally, I can see how much it has helped me, now just with compulsive overeating but in so many ways as well. These are some of the others to whom I am to show love and tolerance:

Others include people who adhere to the political party whose views are diametrically opposed to my own.
Others include people of a different race from mine.
Others who hold to a different creed from mine.Others include people who believe in a different religion from mine or none at all.
Others include migrants, immigrants, refugees and all displaced persons.
Others include those of different gender identity, or difference sexual orientation from mine.
Others include people I perceive to be bullies, narcissists and despots.

These and other attributes too numerous to count mean that anyone different from me is entitled to love, tolerance and respect from me.

How can a selfish, self-absorbed, self-centered person possibly live by this code? The answer is I can’t by my unaided willpower alone. Just as with the food, I have to have God’s help and take good orderly direction from program fellows who are living the step principles on a daily basis.

I came for the vanity. I stay for the sanity. Living by this code, 12 steppers can truly let peace on earth begin with them.

Love (and tolerance)
Length in program 38 years (June 1985)
Length of current abstinence 34 years
“My day begins and ends with gratitude.”
(Author unknown to me.)

Gratitude is a fundamental part of my life and my recovery. It can be all too easy to focus on what is not right, what is going on in my life and this country and this world, but I have learned that doing that leads straight to the food bag.So, today, I choose to focus on the blessings and gifts of this life.

I choose to look for what I call Wow God moments:things like:
– blossoms that are coming out on my peach trees that we planted only a few years ago,
– sparkle in the eye of a kiddo who finally figures out they CAN learn,
– finding the needle in the carpet that I lost last week…BEFORE someone stepped on it!!
– being able to walk into a bakery without wanting anything, but being able to enjoy the smell and the memories,
– getting through my list even if it was ridiculously long.
– people giving me grace when I err,
– fellows who text or email or call just when I need support,
… and so much more.There is always more to find if I but take the time to look.

What WOW GOD moments have you noticed today?
Hugs, Lainey
Recovering Compulsive Overeater