Overeaters Anonymous has approximately 6,500 meetings in over 65 countries. In our area, there are meetings to be found every day and at various times throughout the day plus there are also phone meetings happening frequently throughout the week. Click the links below to download a copy or contact the OA Office for a printed version mailed to you.
MBI meeting list
Currently our meeting lists are being updated. Please visit to find either in person meetings in your area, or by phone or ZOOM
Here is the current list (the same as our home page)
PLEASE contact [email protected] if you have any problems making an online Donation — some ZOOM meetings listed below are now also in person – contact MBI to inquire – Updated 12/23/2024
Here is a list of our meetings that address compulsive food behavior, such as compulsive eating, dieting, anorexia, binging & bulimia
8:30-9:30am, 90 day (Stoneham) Call:425-436-6310. PIN: 853478#. Meeting is HYBRID (phone and in person) at Medford High School Library, 489 Winthrop St, Medford, MA. NOTE: 12/29/2024 MEETING WILL BE PHONE ONLY (library will be closed)
10-11am, 90 day (Medford) ZOOM:
PHONE 1(929)205-6099 Meeting ID: 678 611 404 Passcode: 213703
5-6pm, OA BBSS, (Andover) Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID:824 5807 1104 Passcode: 583710 Phone: 646 558-8656
5-6pm, 90 day(Newtonville) Join Zoom
Meeting ID: 818 9302 8281 Passcode: 786329 Call:1 646 558 8656
5-6 PM, 90 day (Newton) St. John’s Episcopal Church, 297 Lowell Ave, Newton.
9:30 am (Wellesley) ZOOM:
Phone: 929 436 2866; Meeting ID: 169 398 975 Meeting Passcode 830554
10:00 am (Danvers) live at Christ the Redeemer Church, 188 Elliott Street, Danvers
6-7pm, 90 day (North Andover) We are sorry but this meeting has been disbanded.
6:30pm, BBSS (Stoneham) Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 852 4142 2955 Passcode: 371377
7:30 pm, For Today (Dedham) Join Zoom Meeting
Phone: 929 205 6099; Meeting ID: 864 0670 5160 Meeting Passcode 945727
9:30 am, BBSS Phone: 978-990-5000 PIN: 454793#
7:00 pm, For Today (Swampscott) Join ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 868 8639 8653 Passcode: 455436
9:30-10:30am, (Reading) ZOOM: Meeting ID: 813 5411 9513
Passcode: 350772
6-7pm (Reading) OA discussion meeting Join Zoom:
Meeting ID: 847 3337 7559 Call Deb for Passcode at 781-696-8463
7pm (Waltham) Join Zoom Meeting ID: 839 9410 9391 Phone: 646-558-8656
Please send an email to [email protected] to request meeting passcode.
7pm-8:30 pm, (Milton) BBSS. ZOOM:
Or by phone: +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) Meeting ID: 542 691 863 Meeting Passcode 649653
7-8 pm (Men) Call:605-475-4850. PIN: 197132#.
6:15-7:15 AM Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 885 4551 0541 Passcode: 411411
Click here for flyer: Sat 6_15 Meeting Flyer
7:15-8:15 AM (Newton Wellesley Hospital) 90 day, Call:302-202-1102 Pin: 277158
8-9am (North Andover) ZOOM:
Or dial in: 929 436 2866 Meeting ID: 708 604 467 Passcode: 502545
8:30-9:30 am (Boxford) Speaker/Discussion NEW Starting 11/11/2023
First Church Congregational Boxford
The Conference Room of the Family Life Center, First Church Congregational Boxford,
4 Georgetown Rd, Boxford, MA 01921
Face to Face only
8:30-9:30 am (Lynn) 90-day meeting ZOOM: 8:30-9:30 am (Lynn) 90-day meeting ZOOM:
Or by phone: 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 842 3837 3993 7410 Passcode: 342407Passcode: 342407
9:00-10am (Dorchester) Call:425-436-6329. PIN: 373790#.
9:00-10am, 90 day (Medford) Call:425-436-6310. PIN: 853478#.
2:00-3:00pm, (Chelmsford) 1st wk Step, 2nd & Speaker, 4th Discussion or Speaker, 3rd Tradition Call 929-436-2866 Meeting ID: 853 1326 7372 Or ZOOM Meeting ID: 853 1326 7372
Meeting Passcode 229521 HYBRID Meeting at the Unitarian Universalist Church, Int. of Rte. 110 & Westford Street
7:00pm ET, (Belmont) NEW Face-to-face meeting, Literature(BB, Varies), Contact 617-480-2060, OA Bridge at Payson Park Church,Downstairs Room 5, 365 Belmont St, Belmont, MA 02478
Please know that Mass Bay and Metro West Intergroup are suggesting and supporting “live” Group meetings, by Free Conference Call or Free Zoom conference call.
Please call the contact person to find out if there is a phone meeting or other on line meeting temporarily. (Most contacts can be found on
US and Global OA meeting list — Click here to search the OA World Service Global directory of meetings.
* These files are in Adobe PDF format. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Reader click here.
Update Meeting Information
Please contact the MBI office with changes.
In order to help OA World Service direct newcomers to meetings and perform other essential tasks, each OA group needs to be registered with an up-to-date contact person. This information can be updated online at OA’s World Service website meeting registration.
Thanks for taking the time to fulfill this necessary service!